

As soon as an anomalous event is detected from live video stream based on the available capabilities, an alert is raised on real time and communicated in various ways to various individuals / devices of interest.


Enables text based search of pictures from stored video data with available capabilities, for a post facto analysis.


Identify violation of any pre-defined compliance parameters of an event from stored video data and create MIS out of captured pictures or video snippets.


Human Intrusion Detection

Detects unwanted human intrusions in real time.

Face Recognition

Detects and recognizes known human faces.

Automatic License Plate Recognition

Detect various types of registration number of vehicles.


SrivisifAI Technologies is a company providing Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning (ML) / Deep Learning (DL) enabled Video Analytics (VA) solutions. The company has a research tie-up with IIT Bombay. The company has developed proprietary algorithms to analyze video data. The team includes experts from various domains and industries.

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